Credit Loan

Get convenience in meeting your financial needs with Artatama Credits. We offer flexible loan options, competitive interest rates, and a fast and convenient application process.

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Kredit Modal Kerja

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  • Working capital credit facilities from BPR Artatama Sejahtera can be easily used to develop and expand customers’ businesses.
  • Financing Objectives: This loan facility is to finance the need for additional business capital and development of existing businesses. The calculation of payments is only for monthly loan interest.
  • Fast process with maximum 5 days after data requirements are complete
  • Insurance protection
  • The amount of credit given depends on the results of the credit analysis.
  • Term up to 10 (ten) years
  • Low provisioning and admin costs
  • Early partial or full repayment is not subject to penalty.
Account Opening
  • Prospective customers can prepare complete supporting documents to make it easier for our credit analysis team when collecting documents and the credit application process can be carried out immediately.
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Kredit Konsumtif

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  • Credit facilities provided to people who have a fixed income or profession or certain market segments to finance consumer needs, either for new applications or take over top-ups of existing credit facilities.
  • Competitive interest (12% per year for the first year and floating in the following year, BPR LPS + 6%) with maximum 15 years.
  • Fast process
Account Opening
  • Prospective customers can prepare complete supporting documents to make it easier for our credit analysis team when collecting documents and the credit application process can be carried out immediately.

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